Perth Acoustic Duo at The Laneway Lounge

Perth Acoustic Duo at The Laneway Lounge

We loved playing sweet vintage tunes at The Laneway Lounge! And since we are returning on 3rd Dec (possibly our last at this beautiful spot for 2016! – put it down on your calendars), we will let you in only to juiciest favourite bits of the evening that had just passed. 

We arrived that night to a colourful sight of tiara-clad ladies all looking lovely and cocktail-flushed, and were informed of the hens’ party that will end before our performance that evening. Later when we started playing and singing Baby It’s Cold Outside, 2 very lovely and slightly intoxicated ladies came up to the stage and shared a little dance. The nicest thing was they thought we were the CD. It was sweet and also made us feel a bit of their ‘bubbly’. Joys are infectious. 😉

A sizeable group of guests joined us when we were in the middle of our 2nd set and they were just the sweetest, moving to our music and clapping enthusiastically to practically every tune that evening. We deliberately chose to play a classic early in the set from Mama Cass ‘Dream A Little Dream’ with a duet arrangement that is about 4 months’ old now, decidedly setting the mood for the sweet young couples spotted at various corners of the room that evening. It seemed that the big groups of friends really enjoyed it too. 

Finally my personal favourite that evening was revisiting Quizas, Quizas, Quizas with an arrangement we put together since 3 years’ ago and performed as a quartet featuring Wendy Phua on bass ukulele and Boon Gee on drums/percussion at the Sentosa Ukulele Festival. 

Summer is eager folks, get your bucket hats, and stay hydrated and very cool. See you soon in The Laneway Lounge December! 